
A surfing savant

Hello everyone, I am Small Bear. You might be curious how an Icelander becomes a surfer. The short answer is imagination. I am a fictional character, that’s how. But, seriously, to quote Magnús Ólafsson, a famous traveler: “Should one be asked to name the very best surfing destinations on the planet, places like Southern California, Hawaii, and Australia would probably be the first to come to mind. But for surfing veterans, Ólafur Pálsson and Atli Guðbrandsson, the Arctic waters around Iceland have provided an entirely unique experience of wonder and adventure.”

Anyway, I am here to guide you.

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- Bjarki (small bear) Einarsson

Beach-Coffee combo guru

I couldn’t be more excited to be here. This is the best place to hang out and write about the two things I fancey most: Coffee and beach. I mean, it’s better than chocolate and nuts! Besides the fact that Starbucks (and many other chain-outfits) ruined coffee forever, they’ve also butchered the origin of some brews. Example: Macchiato. Traditionally, the macchiato is made by combining a shot of espresso with a small splash of froth (milk). Starbucks, however, makes it look and taste like Cappuccino… The nerve! This is some ugly s***…

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- Sóldís Ólafsson

Owner of blog with limited skills otherwise

“I love this site. There’s no place like home. As Oscar Wilde once said: ‘I can resist everything except temptation.”

Uggi Reynisdóttir is the site’s protagonist. Handsome and wise, Uggi is an avid surfer, chess player and beaching. He’s a pirate by trade with a collection of three yachts and one jet ski. Alas, unlike many of his species, Uggi’s hart is filled with dubious achievements (hey. it could be worse).

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- Uggi Reynisdóttir

An editor & ghostwriter

I was born in captivity, under miraculous circumstances. Some might say I’m a fictional antagonist; the pigment of this site’s imagination, but I wouldn’t put much credence into it for this site’s proprietor is really not that suphisticated. Anywho, enjoy reading!

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- Hekla Björnsson

A Coffee connoisseur

I am a fictional personage created by this blog’s proprietor. I am, all things told, an astute coffee lover with a distinct taste for strong aromatic espresso drinks. I despise artificial flavoring and sweeteners in coffees, along with ‘dumbass’ names like “Frappuccino” and such. I will share my assessments and suppositions on coffee matters because quality of anything beach-coffee-chess is the theme here, in case you didn’t notice.

“Try Macchiato! It’s on the house.”

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- Sigurbjorn Ármannsson

A fierce chess player

I am a formidable fictional chess player created by Uggi. You really shouldn’t take advice from me, but here I am…
My favorite chess opening is the English (sorry, Anya Taylor-Joy, although Queen’s Gambit was a fantastic movie, the opening is too predictable). My logic: “The English Opening begins with 1. C4. Of all the openings that don’t begin by advancing the king’s pawn or the queen’s pawn, the English Opening is among the most exciting. White immediately grabs some central space and takes the d5 square under control.”


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- Katla Björnsson

A surfer with ginger…

I am a fictional antagonist created by Uggi, this blog’s handsome owner. Although I am fanciful, I am an insightful and shrewd surfer who can bring above-average-adequacy and fun to the beach. I recommend listening to my advice because, as Oscar Wilde once quipped “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” Anyway, the ocean is my domain.

“I surf on your turf.”

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- Hekla Pálsson

A beach bum

And there there’s me… Despite being an imaginary antagonist, Uggi has developed an utmost respect for me because I’m a cheerful and affable beach bum. When I walk on the beach even the shells are listening to my footsteps. Not to mention old farts who shouldn’t be roasting their skins in public. I bring an objective beach-perspective to this blog.

“Glad to beach here.”

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- Fridrika Torfason